“Grief is the price we pay for love. Queen Elizabeth ii “
When I started writing my previous book, Nuclear Energy – Peaceful Ways to Serve Humanity, in 2013, it was indeed an intentional enterprise. The scope of the book was clear in my mind; I had no illusions about the magnitude of the efforts it would consume; I was young and energetic; and I had my wife, Lynda, with me as a cheerleader to support me for my ambitious commitment. Whereas the book I just started writing recently wasn’t intentional; I had no clue about the scope of the book; I didn’t know what it would take to make it happen; I was ten years older and depressed; and my wife wasn’t around anymore to continue to inspire me by cheering, chanting and dancing around to support me morally.
Here it goes. We were living graciously in so called an independent living retirement community otherwise known as a “God’s Waiting Room” when Lynda passed away in January leaving me alone in a lonely and despondent milieu. She was my best friend. In spite of a delightful support provided by the family and friends, I never stopped being miserable for a while. Finally, I just started going to the dining room for my meals and to the activity room for playing bridge, there was a COVID outbreak in the building in the month of February and we all were quarantined for 12 days. I was perfectly mystified until I started writing a story about us without any intention, aspiration or destination. It turned out to be a source of empathy, uplifting, and contentment for me.
Of course, it’s a one sided story which could very well be biased, prejudiced, and discriminatory as Lynda’s not around to confirm the validity of the events included in this story and I am guilty as charged.