1. Green Vehicles and Net-Zero Emissions: The best estimate for the number of passenger vehicles in the world in 2018 was 1.42 billion. These vehicles emitted 2.23 billion metric tons (equivalent to 4.92 trillion pounds) of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere in 2018. To put that into perspective, that’s equivalent to burning all of the coal in a fully-loaded coal train that stretches 392,000 miles, long enough to wrap almost 15.7 times around the earth at the equator.
  2. A Transit Oriented Development Primer Why and how Transit Oriented Development (TOD) can improve the evolution of mixed-use and Compact Community Development;
  3. Sustainable Transportation is Critical to Reducing GHG Emissions – Canadian transportation industries account for approximately 4% of Canada’s gross domestic product, and employ more than 800,000 people. Canada is a huge country with a massive transportation infrastructure which includes: 48,000 kilometres of track which makes Canada one of the largest rail networks in the world; Canada’s national highway system is made up of over 38,000 kilometres of national and regional highways; and 900,000 kilometres of roads which are being used by cars, vans, buses or trucks and this is enough to circle the globe 22 times; and
  4. Effects of Aviation Emissions:  Over 3 billion people, nearly half the global population, use the world’s airlines.  The air transport industry provides 56 million direct, indirect, and induced jobs worldwide, which is double the number of jobs only eight years ago. While aircraft carry only 0.5 percent of world trade shipments, that represents about 35 percent of the value of all world trade.  This productivity is achieved consuming just 2.2 percent of world energy.